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Students: Submit to The Jack

Thank you for your interest in submitting work to The Jack.

Each year, the Effective Writing and Speaking Board awards a number of prizes, including

  • Best Writing in the Arts & Letters
  • Best Writing in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Best Writing in the Social and Behavioral Sciences

The Jack then acts acts as a showcase for the winning papers in each of the four categories.

How to Submit for the Best Writing prizes

  • Your paper (any length/style) will have been written for a Randolph College “credit” course and awarded an “A” grade.
  • You will submit this paper in a single MS Word document that includes a cover sheet detailing your name, year of graduation, contact information, and the name of the instructor and course for which the paper was written.
  • Your name should not appear elsewhere in the document.  Instead, include a running head that indicates the page number and an abbreviated essay title.

Submit Essay Here > > >

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can submit a paper for consideration?

Any Randolph College student–full or part time.

What are you looking for?

Essays that demonstrate excellent writing in the discipline for which it was written.  We are looking for student writing in the following divisions: Arts & Letters, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Who chooses the winning papers?

Each member of the Effective Writing and Speaking Board evaluates and rates each submission.  These ratings are collated and winners chosen.  The Editor then teams each winning author with a Writing Lab tutor so the review process may begin.

What is the review process?

If you win one of the annual prizes, you are teamed with a Writing Lab tutor.  The tutor will review your paper before meeting with you to work on edits.  You will produce a polished version of the paper for inclusion in The Jack.

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